Artist Statement

    My portfolio showcases a wide variety of art, however, each is focused heavily on storytelling through 2d illustrations. Although I do love meticulously creating lore & meaning behind each piece, I believe the viewer’s own personal interpretation is paramount. Thus, each artwork’s stories are all presented in an intentionally vague—& sometimes nonsensical—manner, hence the mysterious blurbs.

    Furthermore, along with hosting my portfolio, this website being a hub for my comic—DOGWORLD—is the reason for its aesthetics. Utilizing screentones, fancy lettering, & being entirely monochrome—along with showing my love for manga—continuity with the comic is created. The grittiness of the website also compliments the art in my portfolio, creating unity through the recurring scratchiness & scribbly lines present in both the website's background & most of my portfolio’s pieces.

    My comic is my greatest mind child yet, it being the peak of my storytelling skills thus far. Although following an eclectic cast of characters in a vast & absurdist setting, readers are given mere crumbs. I believe forcing your audience to pick up the pieces of a grand & meticulous plot lets them truly be part of your character’s ebb & flow. Encompassed in “Creatos, Interitus, Inversus”, the entire plot of DOGWORLD is splayed out for the reader to see, however, it’s up to them to interpret the hints of storytelling, & connect to it in their own way.

    Additionally, the stories present in all of my artworks are created through the lens of queerness. Specifically, this aspect of my art is most blatant in my pieces “Perverted Assumption” & “Tulpa”. I am heavily inspired by not just my experiences, but, the gravely underrepresented stories of marginalized people throughout history. All the characters in DOGWORLD are both diverse visually and in their identities, giving voice to the many excluded groups of people in modern media. Especially with the modern rise of violence against queer & people of colour, using my art & writing as a platform for representation is of utmost importance.

    Growing alongside my art, I have learned a multitude of invaluable lessons by writing & illustrating my comic. Looking toward the future of my art career; I aspire to be able to financially support myself with my art. Along with that, the only other thing I ultimately dream for is to have an animated adaptation of any one of my works—after that has been accomplished—I will be ready to die.